TRAINING Get the knowledge you need

WAHM WorkSpace offers one on one training in a variety of business areas to help you feel more confident in running your business.


Start here Are you a business owner?

Are you struggling to figure out all the platforms every one recommends you know?
Are you a creative moving into the online space?
Have you paid for a beautiful website, but you don't know how to update it, or what to do with it?
Are you looking for someone to hold your hand in all this?

Getting training might be just what you need.

Empower yourself to do the tasks that help your business make money. Sometimes having someone show you how, makes the learning process easier!


Why use us We are digital gurus!

Bianca is a digital native who is mostly self taught on all things online. Her natural ability to learn the digital space has been a huge advantage for her. In high school she scored really high on "translation" in an aptitude test, and until recently she had no idea what that meant. Turns out that her forte is in translating concepts. She's able to help most people understand a new system within a couple of hours.

What training is available? Our available training offerings:


More about our training Our training is 3 hour workshops

There is an element of theory, but most of the time is spent walking you through the actual doing. Having someone hold your hand can be immensely empowering. Whether you're just starting out, or you're needing specific advice on one aspect of the above, having a WAHM trainer come and walk you through can be the boost your business needs.


3 Hour Online training for 1-5 people. On-site training will be charged for travel outside of Durban. 

All participants need to be in the same business, or industry so that the information can be tailored and the questions don't go off on too much a tangent. 

All accounts need to be set up and and participants need to have working logins to the accounts for the session. Any time taken to create accounts or logins, will not be made up. 

Additional hours of training are charged at R850 per hour. 

knowledge is power, we can help!

Book a time on the calendar below

Frequently Asked Questions

The rate for the training is for one to five people from the same business or industry. We find that this gives the most time for questions and feedback specific to each participant.