I loved Vibeke’s Human Design reading! It was very helpful to visually see on video how she explained every piece of the chart to understand myself better. She made the results easy to understand, so I now know exactly how to implement certain takeaways into my business and everyday life. I used to struggle with starting new projects in my business. Sometimes, I procrastinated and never started, and sometimes, I started right away without tuning into the ideas enough. Now I know that my strategy is to respond, and I have the exact tools to make sure that I am working on the right projects, which not only saves me time, but also money and especially energy!
I loved understanding myself, my strategy, and my authority better. This way, I will always be able to rely on myself knowing that I can’t really take a wrong decision.
I would recommend this reading to anyone who is looking to find a way to run their business from within, from a place that just „feels“ so good and feels easy, not forced. If you want to learn to trust yourself more, take better business decisions, and understand your innate business type better, this is exactly for you!